Hello my curious waffles, today l won't introduce you any kind of activity but we will talk about the course that l took through the term. Actually, it was that course that gave me opportunity to create my page. l hope you enjoyed with my previous posts because l did. There was some difficulties for me in terms of discovering different websites but as l tried, l got the results effectually.
l want to talk about creating a personal blog process and the website l use. When l first learnt l was supposed to create a blog, it sounded really challenging. l visited some professional blog pages to get inspired and l tried to decide which website l would use. ln the internet, there are lots of sources, which helped me a lot. l use wix that is easy to handle and free but it has some deficiencies like blogroll. l designed my page the way l wanted. By clicking here, you can create your own wix blog.
All of the posts l shared were demanding but l can't say l wish l hadn't done it for any actvity l did because l know my writing and my technology knowledge improved. My point of view changed, when l see some signboards or listen to something, l can imagine their creation period. Also, with the help of that course, l became conscious about the importance of technology in language classes, l realized l didn't want to be a traditional teacher.
Don't worry my curious waffles, l will continue to share posts as far as possible. That post just for goodbye to the term not for blog's itself. l am satisfied to take that course, Educational Technologies, and l'm grateful to my teacher for her efforts. Thank you, don't forget to be happy:)
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